With workplace demographics shifting and millennials set to make up nearly 75 per cent of the workforce as soon as 2025, it is essential that employers are proactive in order to ensure that they can attract this generation of workers into their companies. As the generations that make up the workforce change, workplace culture is highly likely to shift in turn.
Bringing millennials into your place of work can provide a range of advantages, such as greater knowledge of technologies, higher levels of educational qualifications as well as different views regarding the purpose of business, as demonstrated in Deloittes report. For example, according to Deloitte, 27 per cent of millennials believe that businesses should strive to improve and protect the environment, whereas only 12 per cent believe they actually achieve this, additionally 32 per cent argue that business should try to improve society whilst only 16 per cent believe they do this. With views such as these, it is likely that the millennial generation will encourage companies to focus increasingly on corporate responsibility initiatives in the coming decades, indeed the millennial generation at large is also likely to hold business to higher ethical standards than they have been used to in the past.
According to the eighth annual millennial survey by Deloitte, millennials are expressing increased levels of uneasiness and pessimism about their careers and the wider world around them. Furthermore, the Deloitte report indicates that a staggering 49 per cent of millennials would, if they had the choice, quit their current jobs within the next two years.1 This figure suggests that employers should endeavour to improve employee satisfaction and retention within the millennial generation, based upon their current disillusion in the work environment.
Considering this research, Accentuate HR has compiled a short list of tips for business owners who wish to attract, retain and further develop their millennial workforce.
Recognising what motivates millennials is essential when trying to attract this generation to your organisation. Accentuate HR can help you ensure that your business is attractive to top talent as well as offer advice on how to effectively develop your staff members. For further details on how to attract and retain millennials in your workforce, please contact debbie@ or call +44 (0) 7702 864227.